''The Sarah Jane Adventures'' is a British science fiction television programme, that was produced by BBC Cymru Wales for CBBC, created by Russell T Davies starring Elisabeth Sladen The first episode, a 60-minute special, premiered on 1 January 2007. A series of ten 25-minute episodes aired from 24 September until 19 November 2007. Series 1 is made up of five two-part serials, the second and subsequent series consist of six two-part serials each. The third, 12-episode series produced by Russell T Davies began airing on 15 October 2009. The twelve-part fourth series began airing 11 October 2010. A fifth series was confirmed for production and eventual broadcast in 2011, but only three stories were completed prior to the death of Elisabeth Sladen, the series' lead actress.〔Doctor Who Magazine issue 423〕 The first episode was aired on BBC One, followed by the second episode on CBBC. For subsequent episodes, the date is when it first aired on CBBC, immediately after the previous episode was aired on BBC One. ==Series overview== | color1 = #4B5320 | link1 = | episodes1 = 10 | start1 = | end1 = | color2 = #20534B | link2 = | episodes2 = 12 | start2 = | end2 = | extra2 = | color3 = #54B203 | link3 = | episodes3 = 12 | start3 = | end3 = | color4 = #4530B2 | link4 = | episodes4 = 12 | start4 = | end4 = | color5 = #5B2034 | link5 = | episodes5 = 6 | start5 = | end5 = | uk = y }} 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「List of The Sarah Jane Adventures serials」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク